Serengeti is the oldest national park in Tanzania, established in 1951 since that time the park has famous movement of animals“ migration of 1.5 million wildebeest, zebra, Impala

The name of the park is from local and pastoral ism tribe of Maasai called Serengeti which means endless plain.Serengeti is located in northern part of Tanzania, Western of Capital center of tourism Arusha.
The park own migration of animals which includes, millions of wildebeest, antelopes e.t.c. For the Africa big five this park is the best to spot them, cheetah , leopard and hyena is the best zone to watch them.
Every year hundreds of tourists prefer to visit the park, the good time to visit is during dry season, may to December.


The Tarangire National Park is located between the meadows of Masai Steppe to the south east and the lakes of the Great Rift Valley to the north and west. Among the rolling area where the park lies, it occupies an area of 2,600 square kilometers. The perennial Tarangire River takes over the northern part of Tarangire. Through the cut ditches, the River flows upwards up to when it leaves the corner of the park, in the North West flowing into Lake Burungi. There are a number of wide swamps which dry into green plains during the dry season in the south.
You are recommended to stay for a few days in the south of the park that is also less crowded and gives you the opportunity to get a real feel of the back country while on your visit to the Tarangire.
The park name originated from Mbugwe tribe divided into two words, “Tara” means river and “Ngire” means warthog. Which means  Tarangire because has high number of Warthogs and River Tarangire that is backbone of the park.
The best time to visit is from.
The middle and the end of the dry season that runs from late June to October is the best time to view wild life in Tarangire National Park. Most of the animals move out of the park during the wet season and viewing animals is remarkably less good.
In June to October, the animals gather around the Tarangire River and this is the best time to go to Tarangire Park. There is little rainfall during June to October hence making it the time with the best weather
June to October still marks the high season with so many tourists filling the park. While the low season comes in April to May.  The peak of the wet season sets in during March and April, hence the worst weather then.


The park was established in 1960 to preserve Elephants and other beautiful diverst found there. Manyara National Park extends over 330 sq km of the northern Rift Valley floor southwest of Arusha. Its centrepiece is Lake Manyara, a fluctuating body of alkaline water set within a shallow sump at the base of the Rift Valley. The park is home of birds more than 500 species have recorded. The great magical rift valley can be seen clearly with high green forests. This park have famous Lion’s which always climb up trees than other parks in Tanzania.

The best time to visit the park it’s all year long, but at it’s best watching is from late june to October during the dry season. Also the best scenic is at most beautiful during the wet season. From Arusha town to manyara national park it’s 120 km, it is possible to organize a canoe trip on the lake, or a fishing trip to learn traditional fishing methods. Bicycle trips to the east shore of the lake can also be arraigned


Is among heritage of the world under unesco, This place was established in 1959, which cover 8929 km, Ngorongo conservation area is setted for multiple activities whereby people and animals live together without quarries.

The place have several famous places and histories. Has famous and largest caldera in the world that is unflooded and unbroken caldera.
Also our earliest human ancestors histories, like the first human footprint, the skull of the first human being and many more. Ngorongoro have high concentrations of predators like lion,hyena and thouthand of antelopes, Elephants.
Best time to visit, we recommend
Best Time June to September (General wildlife viewing is best)
High Season Most of the year – July to March (The Ngorongoro Crater will have crowds of visitors)
Low Season April and May (The only time when the crater has few crowds)


Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest mountain (5,895 meters). To be in its presence either near or far, and to see the grandeur of its giant dome tower so far, far up into the sky above the surrounding plains is one oflife’s great travel experiences.You can but gaze at it in wonder and awe and feel deeply humbled by the sheer magnificence of it. No wonder so many travelers want to get there, be there, embrace it, climb it.It is a volcano and arises alone out of an expansive landscape of hills and plains that are level. This makesit the world’s highest peak as measured from the surrounding plains to its summit.
Kilimanjaro was known by reputation way back in ancient times, and of course the local people knew it well, with its awesome presence woven into their folklore and
It became a National Park in 1973 and a World Heritage site in 1987. The mountain originally comprised 3 volcanoes Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira that were formed about 1 million years ago. Mawenzi ceased eruptingand Shira collapsed while Kibo continued erupting until about 150,000 – 200,000 years ago and is still technically only dormant.
When to visit
The weather on Kilimanjaro varies by altitude, time of year and time of day and conditions are very unpredictable. Popular times to visit include June – October and December–March when the sky is clear and the mountain top is easily seen. Most people avoid April and May, when there are heavy monsoon rains.
However the climb can be done provided you have proper clmbing clothing and equipment.
The climb
All adults of normal health and fitness should be able to make it to the top and without needing specialist equipment. Warm, weatherproof clothing and sound
footwear are essential. Of critical importance is patience and determination. Today there are over 50,000 attempted summits per year and over 90% conquer the summit. Climbers are advised to add days.


On your booking Arusha park is our recommends. This beautiful Park has often been called a little multypocket germ and rightly so. It is only ½ an hour
by tarmac road from Arusha town, the safari center of northern Tanzania. With mountains, valleys, lakes, and small plains clothed in green, it has a wonderful feeling of peace and solitude.
It is dominated by Mount Meru, which at 4,566 m (14,980 ft) is the 3rd highest free standing mountain in Africa.
Getting around
A well maintained and signposted network of game viewing roads and tracks wind through the Park offering frequent views of spectacular beauty, with both Mount
Meru and Kilimanjaro often in sight.
It is habitat for a wide variety of mammals including bushbuck, giraffe, elephant, leopard (rarely seen!), monkeys, duiker, baboon, buffalo, waterbuck and hippo. The birdlife is spectacular with over 450 species recorded. The game viewing track that winds around the Momella Lakes is a great way to get close to and
watch lesser and greater flamingo.
Arusha National Park is probably the best place in Tanzania to watch black and white colobus monkeys, and also to listen to their loud and guttural territorial
calls echoing through the forests.


Is a dormant volcano about 1 ½ million years old. One side of exploded out about 8,000 years ago as Meru’s caldera lake was transformed into super-heated steam by an inner eruption. One of the largest landslides of mud and rock ever measured worldwide took place, forming hillocks, valleys and small lakes. The geologists estimate that before Mount Meru blew its top it was a tall, symmetrical volcanic spire almost as high as Mount Kilimanjaro.
This interesting and broken terrain is now clad in patches of forest and bush at the lower end and pristine rain forest on the upper slopes.
 Ngurdoto Crater at the bottom end of the Park

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Steve Africa Adventure Safari, is a  Tanzanian licensed tour company based in Arusha. It was founded by Steve Petro Buhha who is passionate about traveling and knows well the northern  circuit of Tanzania.
We organize different tours activities from Wildlife Safaris, cultural tours, Mountain climbing and Walking safaris, while specializes in Northern,Southern Tanzania and Zanzibar destinations

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